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Sabbath Services

Our comfortable, wealthy, accessible world is rich with distraction. In Jude we read that we are to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered. Acts 20 tells us that wolves, bearing falsities, will creep into the church to deceive the brethren with new, shiny “truths”. 2 Thessalonians explains that deception and lawlessness are historical, current, and prophetic problems. They are trials mankind has always struggled with. 2 Corinthians 11 warns that we are not to receive a different gospel under the layers of complex, worldly knowledge. Christ’s way is simple, straightforward and unified. When was the faith Jude talked about first delivered? Faith in the gospel makes demands upon all its disciples- listen, embrace, and obey. The faith of the gospel is fidelity toward the great commission and is putting all at sacrifice for God. Our faith must be heartfelt. Faith doesn’t survive in shallow waters. Have you been conquered by God? Those mature in the faith are too grounded to be tossed by any wind of false doctrine that may arise. We must continue in the faith knowing that we through many tribulations must enter the kingdom of God. We must examine ourselves to see how deep, how real our faith really is. Despite being in Laodicea, we are still called upon to be a Philadelphian Christian. God’s faith is impartial, just, fair, and has been given to the poor that they might become rich in God. We will be persecuted for our faith, hated for His namesake, but our faith should enable us to stand fast despite these trials. The just live by faith. Do not grow weary or discouraged. Be patient for Christ’s return. Earnestly heed the gospel we have been given. Do not drift away. Contend earnestly for the faith.