Sabbath Services
Practice isn’t fun. It’s time and work, but the payoff is worth it. This life, and the annual spring holy days, are practice for the things to come. We are called to be separate from the world. If we do not come out of spiritual Egypt, we will partake in its end-time punishment. Is God number one in your life? If we allow the cares of this life, false religion, or anything else to come between us and God, we choose the world over Him, and become idolators. Is there an idol in your tent? If so, what are you going to do about it? We are called to Love and serve God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Mr. Alverio details two idols of the heart that commonly dissuade Christians from following their creator: (1) Money & (2) Fame. Wealth is not inherently bad, but the love of money above God certainly is. Mr. Alverio explains that to tear down this idol, we must: (1) Remember that riches are fleeting, (2) Be thankful for what we have been blessed with, (3) Be content in whatever position God has placed us, (4) Love people more than money, (5) Pursue love instead of money, (6) Love God above all else, & (7) Freely share what you have been given. These are the keys to a happy and peaceful life. In the examination of the second idol of the heart, we consider how to overcome an inordinate desire for fame. Stemming from ego and pride, a love of fame represents a love of self and self-advertisement. Christ was famous in His day, and yet we see through His perfect, humble example how to keep fame from being our focus: (1) Christ didn’t try to draw attention to Himself, (2) He often removed Himself from the crowd to pray and give glory to God, and (3) He often healed in secret. We should consider these principles when doing good deeds. We are called to worship God in spirit and in truth- good intentions are not enough. The Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread are shortly upon us. Christ was our Passover sacrifice, opening the door for our salvation. His sacrifice should embolden Christians to strive to be a mirror of Christ’s life, reaching for that higher level. If we act righteously, we will inherit eternal life. If we react carnally, we will reap death. Peter’s denial of Christ exemplifies this concept. Mr. Alverio also speaks on accounts from the end of Peter’s life and passages from the end of Stephen’s life to understand what it means to act instead of react, and to live on a higher level- to look at the above instead of the around. Finally, Mr. Alverio speaks on what it means to be Holy, going through several scriptures that tell us to “Be holy for I am holy.” We are called to come out of this world and live on a higher level. Are we?