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Sabbath Services

Mr. Kreyer expounds upon four keys to knowing and maintaining the truth, to avoiding the deception that holds this world captive. 

Judgment is coming upon Israel, bringing slavery and no mercy. In Isaiah 10 we see Assyria (Germany) used as the rod of correction. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine about a year ago, Germany has passed legislation and reallocated resources to build a strong military. Germany wants to be less reliant on other countries – namely the US – for its security. Such also sets them up for end-time prophecy. Time is short; we should maintain a sense of urgency. The time to get our house in order is now. We cannot fight spiritual battles with physical means. If you’re far from God, however, that is your only choice. Victory only comes with God’s intervention. Luke 21 vs 7-9 tells us the sign of the times is deception. 2 Timothy 3 vs 13 tells us that deception only worsens as time draws to a close. Matthew 24 vs 24 tells us that it will grow so bad that only the elect, because of their closeness to God, will be spared from deception. Deception is a bidirectional departure from truth- it encompasses being persuaded to believe a lie and to disbelieve the truth. Without revelation through God’s word, unveiled by the indwelling of God’s Holy spirit, we cannot discern truth from lies. Mr. Kreyer expounds upon four keys to knowing and maintaining the truth, to avoiding the deception that holds this world captive. (1) Maintain a strong love for the truth. (2) Understand that the heart is deceitful above all things. (3) Become doers of the word, not hearers only. (4) Remember those things which you have been taught.