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Sabbath Services

Prepare Your Heart

You weren’t ready for that were you? We’re going, we’re doing this. The title of the sermon today is: Prepare Your Heart. How many of you believe that we are living in the last days? We believe that, we’ve been talking about that for a long time. You’ve heard the question before, I’ve even asked the question myself. How many of you believe that? How many are ready for that? Those are two different things, you can believe that yeah, you know I think that Jesus Christ is going to return very soon. But then to ask ourselves the questions, am I ready for something like that? That’s a different question entirely. Do we have a clear picture in our mind of what we must endure before the return of Jesus Christ? Do we have a clear picture in our minds of what we must endure before the return of Jesus Christ? When are we going to get ready? If you feel that you’re not ready for that, what’s the game plan for getting to that point?

Sermon ID: 1670153971