Sabbath Services
Mr. Wayne introduces the topic by urging the brethren to come to terms with their mortality so that they may stir up a sense of urgency in their character-building journey and redeem what little time they have on this Earth. The realization that “it is appointed upon all men once to die” should stir Christians up to count the cost and go all-out in their walk with Christ. The recipe for walking in Christ’s footsteps is a simple, albeit difficult, path. Mr. Wayne outlines the ingredients necessary to make it into The Kingdom of God, that is, the ten commandments. Exodus 20 lays the foundation with the first commandment= (1): “You shall have no other gods before Me.” God must be our number one priority in every facet of our thoughts and actions if we wish to be successful. (2) “You shall not make… [any] carved image… [nor] bow down to them nor serve them.” Christians are not to have any idol in their possession; whether it be a fruit-and-flower-adorned shrine, a cross on a necklace, a rabbit foot keychain, or a plastic statue on the dashboard. However, Christians should be on guard for not just the physical golden calves of the world, but from having an unfaithful spirit of idolatry in their hearts as ancient Israel had. (3) “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” Blasphemy (extreme disrespect and contempt towards God) of the Holy Spirit constitutes the only unpardonable sin. (4) “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” The seventh day Sabbath is a weekly microcosm of the rest found in a life devoted to worship of the one, true God. This day sanctifies God’s people, setting them apart from the rest of the world. (5) “Honor your father and your mother.” Respecting parents does not end when the child leaves the home. Honor towards elders, especially to those who raised the individual, is a lifelong responsibility. (6) “You shall not murder.” It is up to God and God alone to give life and to take it away. Christ’s new testament magnification of the law exhorts disciples to keep the law not just in the letter, but also in the spirit. An attitude of hatred and resentment towards a brother is murder of the heart. (7) “You shall not commit adultery.” Similar to commandment six, Christ singles out the command of adultery in His examples of adding the Spiritual component to the law. He says to lust after another individual’s spouse is adultery of the heart. (8) “You shall not steal.” Theft is not confined to the physical possessions of another. Malachi explains that man robs God when he/she is unfaithful in keeping his/her tithes and offerings. Disobedience robs God of the opportunity to bless us. (9) “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Scripture clearly defines God’s way as truth and identifies Satan as the father of lies. Acts’ account of Ananais and Sapphira teaches of the fatal consequences of straying from the truth. (10) “You shall not covet.” To covet is to have an inordinate desire for something that belongs to someone else. Learning to be content in what one has is the antidote for a covetous nature. In conclusion, Mr. Wayne briefly examines the parable of the talents. Building on one’s abilities and using those skills to help and serve others is essential to our walk with Christ. Trial and temptation are fleeting; as are these physical bodies. Only God and His way are eternal.