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Sabbath Services

Amidst the marvels of modern medicine, we have profound opportunities for increased health and lifespan. By the same token, have you allowed technology to take the place of God in your life? Why is it that with increased intervention, we also see increased prevalence of sickness and disease? Christ will bear it all for us. Give your trust to God, not medicine. Row to shore and do your part but go to God first and put your reliance in Him. Christ’s miracles tended to revolve around healings. God promises protection and healing upon His people. Mr. Lawrence talks about the biblical principles of anointings and anointed cloths. It is through our weakness that we might find our strength in God. Part of the healing process is obeying God, not mere surface belief. God promises healing, but not how and when. We may not receive the blessings, the healings, in this life. Faith in God requires courage, but it is always rewarded. Faith is absolutely essential to healing. When we look to the paradoxical life of king Asa of Judah, we see a potent example of the link between faith and healing.