Sabbath Services
Mr. Alverio begins with a quick read of many psalms and accompanying scriptures that describe the guidance God gives to His people. He has created humankind in His image and set His angels about this pinnacle of the physical universe, to minister to them. God calls His people “the apple of His eye”. After establishing God’s love for mankind, Mr. Alverio turns to psalms that declare God’s might and power. In Revelation, the image of the glorified Christ – the God whom we serve – is illustrated in fine detail. God created mankind with a great capacity for emotion. What are godly emotions? How are they expressed? Should they be controlled? These questions are answered in the examination of three foundational emotions: (1) Love. When given one word to define Himself, God chooses “love”. In the endtime, Laodecia’s love will wax cold. Philadelphian Christsians, on the other hand, catch the vision that God is building a family based on outflowing concern for others, on servant leadership, on the give way of life, on love. (2) Hatred. Hate often results from pride, and pride is listed time and time again as one of the largest sins there are. Christians are to hate sin and sin alone. The world hated Christ who was perfect. How much more will it hate God’s people? Christians are to love all people despite any hatred and persecution they are to receive. (3) Anger. Christ’s righteous indignation drove the money changers out of the temple. However, He acted only in love and never allowed His anger to drive Him to physically harm anyone. Ephesians says to “be angry and sin not” and to “cease from anger and take control.” Anger is a tool that can be powerful and effective, but only if reigned in complete control and tempered with love. After all, self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. As the adage goes, “Control your emotions or they will control you.” In summary, God’s people are to put on the mind of Christ. He has given mankind emotions for a reason. Used correctly, they can add tremendously to our lives.