Last Day of Unleavened Bread
Mr. Monson opens with an exploration of the state of our once great nation. Law and order have crumbled; racial and political tensions are at an all-time high; our allies no longer trust us; corruption runs rampant; our economy is teetering on the brink of collapse. America, Britain, and the other descendants of Israel were to be a model nation, but we have ended up the worst of all. Our sins have separated us from God, and our national blessings are falling away. For the bulk of the sermon, we consider the Israelites exodus out of Egypt and through the red sea, as pictured by this Last Day of Unleavened Bread, and parallel their journey to our Spiritual life and end-time flight to the Place of Safety. Despite the mighty miracles God performed for the ancient Israelites, they murmured and complained at every turn. Gripped by fear, they may have physically left Egypt but remained slaves to their carnality. When we are called upon to flee at the end of days, and a powerful army pursues, will we do the same thing? In addition to comparing the place of safety’s flight to that of the Israelites in the Old Testament, Mr. Monson spends some time covering medial fulfillments of these prophecies (such as the 1567 BC and AD 70 fulfillment of the Abomination of Desolation). We also set up a timeline of the 1,260-, 1,290-, and 1,335-day prophecies. After outlining what we know of the end-time flight to the Place of Safety, we stop to question if we are adequately preparing ourselves to be accounted among those worthy to escape.