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Sabbath Services

Do you believe in this truth with your whole heart? At baptism, two questions are asked: (1) Have you repented of your sins? & (2) Have your accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior? We are baptized into the body of Christ for the remission of sins and receive the laying on of hands for the imparting of the Holy Spirit. Are we giving God the opportunity to change us? Recognizing all the time, work, and sacrifice God the Father and Christ His son have given for us, should change us profoundly. With God on our side, there is no problem we cannot overcome. Do we doubt Him because of our own shortcomings? Nothing can separate us from Him unless we allow it. A lot of people in this world are quick to proclaim Christ, but they often know not the extent of what they say. Some demand signs and wonders; what will it take for you to believe? What will it take for you to commit? Is Christ’s Kingship real to you? Is your future kingship real to you?