Our comfortable, wealthy, accessible world is rich with distraction. In Jude we read that we are to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered. Acts 20 tells us that wolves,…
Overcoming is an active process and it is our choice. Ephesians 2 explains a condition in which we can be dead to sin, to the forbidden fruit, yet alive to…
God has called the weak and the base but expects us to grow. We are called to build strong, godly, confounding families. How can we fulfill our roles as husbands,…
The only sign Christ gives of His messiahship is that He was in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights after His crucifixion and then was resurrected. Christ denies…
Do you believe in this truth with your whole heart? At baptism, two questions are asked: (1) Have you repented of your sins? & (2) Have your accepted Jesus Christ…
Benedict Arnold was an esteemed ware hero who fought fearlessly on behalf of his country for many years. The man loved America, led with strength, and even volunteered for risky…
A Roman soldier spears Christ’s side and He dies thereafter - John 19 vs. 24. After identifying Judas as the betrayer, Christ gave some last messages before His final prayers…
Examine yourself, proving yourself worthy of taking the Passover. Do you expend the same effort, time, focus, and heart into becoming spiritually unleavened for the spring Holy Days as you…
From a human perspective, it is easy to minimize your experience and life as nothing but another flawed being among billions. Why would God care about you? Has God forgotten…
Looking to the example of ancient Israel, we can see that God, in His abundant mercy and grace, is willing to forgive even the most abominable sins if we only…
To be “an oak” symbolizes being loyal, enduring, sturdy, steadfast, unmovable, and unshakeable in character. We must be oaks, firmly rooted in the faith of God. The faith in God,…
Amidst the marvels of modern medicine, we have profound opportunities for increased health and lifespan. By the same token, have you allowed technology to take the place of God in…
What would happen if everyone was to pay a flat tax of 10% regardless of socioeconomic status? Would a 10% for all be fair and equitable? It would be predictable,…
When the first seal is open, the white horse rides. The counterfeit carries a bow, but the actual returning Christ carries a sharp, two-edged sword. The end-time false prophecy will…
This way is not a singular choice, but a lifetime of choices. Where are we at with all the spiritual knowledge we have accumulated over the years? We, as firstfruits,…
Without even one of our four physical necessities - food, water, air, light - we would perish. We need good, clean food. Christ is the bread of life. We need…
Do you have an attitude of entitlement or one of gratitude? Do you think you deserve your wants, that pay raise, that you are above the job you are applying…
Mr. Loper opens with the story of Chuck Yager, the man who piloted the craft which broke the sound barrier. He was selected for the mission because he was known…
Do you believe that God wrote the bible? Many people profess to know God and love Jesus, yet do not do the things He commands. Are you confident in your…
What is our primary goal as Christians? The main thing is to remember to keep the main thing the main thing. We cannot afford to let familiarity breed contempt in…
We are officially three years out from COVID. Human nature doesn’t care to be inconvenienced, to go beyond the bare minimum. We signed up for these commitments when we chose…
God works. He is a creator. Angels were created to work as employees in the creating business. The angels predate the physical universe. Then comes the creation of matter. The…
Basic Principles That Will Enable Us to Observe God’s Sabbath as He Intended
Today’s message is a practical exploration of what the Sabbath is, why it matters, and when and how to keep it Holy as the fourth commandment lays out. The sermon…
Deception: A Sign of the Times and the End of the Age
Mr. Kreyer expounds upon four keys to knowing and maintaining the truth, to avoiding the deception that holds this world captive. Judgment is coming upon Israel, bringing slavery and no…
This past week the world was consumed by Halloween. This is Satan’s world. Deuteronomy was written by Moses in the last weeks/months of his 12-year life. In chapter 31, we…
End-time travesties are coming upon the world scene as a consequence of our sins. There may be a transient peace in the Middle East, but the war going on in…
We should put as much effort into thanking God as we do asking Him for things. Mr. Wayne reviews a few accounts of biblical events which historically occurred around the…
Revelation 20 vs. 1-3 reveals prophecy of the end-time fulfillment of the Day of Atonement. As pictured by this fateful day, Satan and the demons will be bound in the…
It is not enough to keep God’s law in letter only. Mr. Lowe examines the scriptures which exhort us to keep the law in spirit also, especially in the context…
Knowledge Has Increased..but Wisdom and Understanding Have Fallen in the Streets
Justice has fallen in the streets and those who stand for truth are preyed upon (Isaiah 59 vs. 12-15). Knowledge has increased, but wisdom and understanding have fallen in the…
Do you know how much of an impact your words have on those around you? The desire for acceptance and approval is one of the most basic and greatest human…
The world is full of evils. We are watchmen and thus must be aware, but we mustn't let these things consume us. Truth is increasingly rare as fake news and…
We are sinful debtors in need of repentance and forgiveness. Do we strain at a gnat and swallow a camel as the Pharisees did (Matthew 23)? Are we so concerned…
Even God’s elect are flawed and will at times fall prey to temptation, yet the hallmark of His people is an inability to quit. Moses fought a temper and a…
All scripture has been written for our admonition. Are we heeding the warnings, learning from history on our exodus out of spiritual Egypt and on into the wilderness towards our…
Mr. Monson opens with an exploration of the state of our once great nation. Law and order have crumbled; racial and political tensions are at an all-time high; our allies…
In a close parallel to the morning service, Mr. Fritts begins his message by detailing the current state of affairs. Our divided house is soon to fall. Christ’s second coming…
Leading up to the days of unleavened bread, do we spend so much time focusing on putting out the physical leaven that we neglect the leaven in our spiritual house?…
Practice isn’t fun. It’s time and work, but the payoff is worth it. This life, and the annual spring holy days, are practice for the things to come. We are…
Christ’s shed blood paid the note of debt for our sins. Baptism washes us of those sins. However, baptism and the laying on of hands are but the first step…
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15 vs. 13) What kind of commitment is required to sacrifice our most…